"I did botox for my eyes and forehead three weeks ago, and the results are unbelievable. Most of my wrinkles have already disappeared and the results look so natural."


DNA Client


Reverse the signs of aging.

Anti-wrinkles injections can be a great alternative to a traditional surgical facelift, for a youthful appearance. They are designed to smooth out the signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and loose skin, making your skin look and feel younger.


How do anti-wrinkle injections work?

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and the frequent use of our facial muscles create folds and creases resulting in expression lines and wrinkles. Anti-Wrinkle Injections use a highly purified protein to safely block the signals from the nerves to the muscles, reducing the formation of new creases and smoothing out existing ones.

What can U treat?



Frown Lines



Crow’s Feet


Nasolabial Fold

Laugh / Smile Lines

Dr. Leandro During consultation

Enhanced features, natural results

Because of the use of a very fine needle, anti-wrinkle injections are incredibly precise, allowing for highly targeted areas of concern to be treated.



The treatment results can last approximately 3 – 5 months.

Results may vary from person to person and can be improved when combined with other non-surgical treatments. Speak to our experts about our bespoke treatment plans.

Most Anti-Wrinkle Injection treatments take approximately 30 minutes. Results can be seen within 3 – 5 days but will reach their maximum at around 10 – 14 days. Following an Anti-Wrinkle Injection treatment, you must remain upright for at least 4 hours, avoid exercise for 24 hours and avoid exposure to any excessive heat (such as saunas, sunbeds or steam rooms) for 3 days. Please note that recovery from any treatment is unique to each patient and something that will be discussed in detail with your doctor.

Anti-wrinkle injection treatments relax certain (targeted) muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, which have developed as collagen production has depleted.

Dermal Fillers are a temporary volumiser injected into the skin to fill facial lines and wrinkles, enhance lips and create facial contouring (e.g. to the cheeks or nose) and revitalise the skin. Fillers are used on lines and wrinkles that remain present on the skin even when the muscle underneath is relaxed with treatment.

Dermal Fillers are a fluid form of Hyaluronic Acid, which is a protein found between the cells of all living organisms and is a component of collagen. As we age our body produces less of this acid, which contributes to the ageing process with the appearance of ageing skin.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections can be used to treat a variety of areas on the face that are prone to the common signs of ageing. They can effectively treat:

– Crow’s feet
– Loose skin
– Droopy jowls
– Fine lines and wrinkles
– Excessive sweating (underarms)
– Prevents teeth grinding

Please keep in mind that the concerns that can be treated with Anti-Wrinkle Injections are unique to each patient and something that should be discussed with your personal Treatment Coordinator.

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